Annual Catholic Charity Appeal 2025
Dear Parishioners,
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the annual Catholic Charity Appeal in our Diocese. During the past one hundred years our society and church have seen so many changes. When this appeal was begun in 1925, the world was trying to rebuild from the devastation and death of World War I and on the brink of the Great Depression.
This was a time of great civil unrest, the persecution of the church in Mexico, Atheistic Communism in Russia, Fascism in Italy, The Spanish Civil War, Nazism in Germany, and World War II. Then there was the Korean War, Vietnam, and many other social issues such as the Civil Rights Movement.
Throughout this time of war and civil unrest our parish, founded in 1933, joined with all faith communities to provide for the needs of those who were in need of our love and support. For the past ninety-one years our parishioners have been generous in sharing their time, treasure, and talent.
I know you will be as generous as your means will allow in giving to this year’s Charity Appeal. There are brochures at the entrance of the church explaining the focus of this year’s appeal. This year’s goal remains at $83,885.
When you receive your mailing from Catholic Charities, take a few moments to pray about what your response will be, and then make your donation or pledge. You can drop it in the mail or in the basket on the weekend. There will also be an in-pew request on the weekend of February 22/23.
May God bless you abundantly for your generosity. May God Bless the good work he has begun in us and bring to completion. Be assured of my thanks, and remembrance in all my prayers.
Gratefully Yours in Christ,
Father Gagne