
Teach us to give and not to count the cost.

– St. Ignatius

Faith Formation & The Sacraments

RCIA & Faith Formation  Jr. High, Confirmation I/II:

Contact Deacon Bob or Elaine Morisseau | 401.467.4895

First Communion Preparation & Elementary Faith Formation

 Contact Margaret Andreozzi | 401.461.5691


Arrangements must be made with the parish priest one year prior to the date of marriage.


The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated the first Sunday of each month at
12:30 p.m., except during Lent. All parents must attend the
Baptismal Preparation Program.

To register, please call the Parish Office | 401.467.4895.



Download PDF of the 2023/24 Faith Formation Schedules

Grade 1-5
Grade 6
Grade 7 (front), (back)
Grade 8
Confirmation I (Gr. 9)
Confirmation II (Gr. 10)
Autism & the Sacraments 



“God always knocks at the door of hearts. He likes to do this. It comes from His heart. But, do you know what He likes best? To knock on the doors of families and find families that are united, to find families that love each other, to find the families that bring up their children and educate them and help them to keep going forward and that create a society of goodness, of truth, and of beauty.”

–Pope Francis