In the evening of life we will be judged on love alone.
–St. John of the cross
Msgr. Cox Scholarship Fund
Donations may be made in memory of our dear pastor, Msgr. Cox to a scholarship fund established in his honor at St. Peter’s Tri-Parish School.
The Reverend Monsignor John F. Cox, 97, a former Pastor & Pastor Emeritus of St. Peter Church died on March 8th after a brief illness. He will be cherished and missed by all!
Msgr. Cox came to St. Peter’s in 1969 as the pastor. He retired 17 years later in August 1986 with the title Pastor Emeritus. During his pastorate, he also served as the Dean of the Warwick Deanery from 1970 through 1974, Vicar General of the Diocese of Providence in 1971, and as a member of the Senate of Priests. Although Msgr. Cox devoted his life to his priestly vocation, he pursued a lifelong avocation to sports, both participating and spectating. crystal radio.
His earliest interest in baseball came from his catching in sandlot ball at Providence’s Davis Park and his dedication to the Boston Red Sox was rewarded early as he followed the 1918 World Series championship by listening on the
Msgr. Cox occasionally mentioned that the only career he would have liked if he had not been a priest was a professional baseball player – as a catcher. His dedication to the Providence College Friars was well known to his fellow fans, as he seldom missed a game through his mid-80s. Msgr. Cox remained an avid swimmer and golfer through most of his life, crediting exercise as a key to longevity. Msgr. Cox was the oldest living Catholic priest in the Diocese of Providence. Rest in peace, Msgr. Cox, thank you for all you did for St. Peter’s!
Our Capital Campaign
Please continue to use the envelope included with the budgets to make payments on your pledge to our Capital Campaign. You will soon begin receiving monthly statements listing your pledge and payments.
If you have any questions, just call Charlene in the parish office at 401.467.4895. Thank you!
Pass Program
The PASS (Program to Assure Student Success) program will provide financial assistance to deserving students who are presently enrolled in St. Peter’s Tri-Parish School. Although a variety of scholarships is available for members of St. Peter’s Parish, there are still students who have genuine financial hardships & need additional help in their tuition.
The PASS program provides each of us with an opportunity to make a difference in the life of one child.
I ask you to help our students continue their education at St. Peter’s School. Your donation to the PASS Program will help to assure their future and achieve his or her dreams. Please fill out one of the forms at the entrances to the church or in the weekly parish bulletin and return it to the parish office or place it in the collection basket. On behalf of the students who need assistance, Thank you. – Fr. Gagné
School Supermarket
Here’s an easy way to support St. Peter’s School: participate in our Supermarket Card Program! It’s simple & convenient; purchase gift cards & supermarket cards from the St. Peter’s School Supermarket Card Program for your own personal use or to give as gifts. We sell cards in increments of $10, $25, & $50. You get dollar for dollar what you spend – the program costs you nothing! Stores include: Shaw’s, Stop & Shop & Dave’s Markets.
For more information on the Supermarket Card Program, call the Parish Office at 410.467.4895 or the School Office at 401.781.9242, ext. 0.
Cards may be obtained at the parish office, school office, before & after all weekend Masses, or by mail – whichever is easiest for you!
Please note: All donations are tax deductible; if you have any questions regarding this, simply call the parish office at 401.467.4895.
Thank you for your support, please know that all donors are remembered in our monthly school Mass & in the daily prayers of our school children. May God bless you abundantly for your generosity.