Thank you -


Dear Parishioners,

I want to express my thanks for your generous support of Helping Hands Ministry. Because of your donations of food, gift cards, presents, and your use of the Helping Hands monthly envelope many people receive the help they need.

At Thanksgiving, a food basket, together with a supermarket gift card, was provided to 50 families who requested help.

Your response to the Giving Tree made it possible to provide food and gifts for many people. Christmas dinner was provided for 19 families. Over 300 gifts that included children’s clothing, winter jackets, pajamas, warm blankets, and toys were distributed to families and various agencies.

Additionally, $1,900 in gift cards were given to families so that they could fulfill their children’s wish list.

Our Healing Hands ministry continues throughout the year to provide, food, heating assistance, utilities, and other special needs. If you are in need or are aware of others who might be served through this ministry, please call the Helping Hands phone line at 461-3157, Staffed by volunteers, a member of Helping Hands will return your call within 24 hours.

May God bless you abundantly for all you do. You all have a special remembrance in all my prayers.

Gratefully Yours in Christ,
Father Gagne

St. Peter's Admin