Christmas 2024 - Message from Fr. Gagne
Dear Parishioners,
In Luke’s Gospel, the story of Zachaeus, the short-in-stature chief tax collector, parallels the story of the birth of Jesus. Zachaeus represents the people of the world who are curious about Jesus and who are willing to change their position to get a better look. There was no expectation on the part of Zachaeus that Jesus would invite himself to dine with him. It comes as a complete surprise and causes the crowd to grumble that Jesus has gone to a sinner’s house to dine with him.
Zachaeus changes his life after he experiences the acceptance and love of Jesus, not before. The Father’s love is revealed through the personal experience of his son becoming flesh in the womb of Mary, and from the moment of conception, Jesus enters the world of human encounters and relationships. Those touched by his love and acceptance, as Zachaeus was, also experience a transformation.
Unfortunately, we want people to change for the better before they meet Jesus or encounter his presence. Jesus then becomes a reward for being good. Jesus is not a reward for being good, but the way we become better.
The Father’s love was revealed in the birth of Jesus in an imperfect world that was filled with pain, rejection, political unrest, religious persecution, and a religious establishment that had become a self-serving and self-righteous institution. Jesus would call these leaders of religion, “blind guides, hypocrites, brood of vipers and whiten sepulchers.”
Christmas reminds us that it is our love, our acceptance, our mercy, our kindness, our willingness to forgive, and the way we live our lives that allows others to experience the Father’s love, which is revealed in Jesus. It is this love that invites transformation and acceptance in others.
As we celebrate Christmas, amidst so much political unrest, division and discord, and the threat of war around the world, may we experience the Father’s transforming love for us, and so be moved to bring that love to all we encounter. Like Jesus, may we continue to change the world one heart at a time.
You and your families and loved ones will have a special remembrance in all my Christmas Masses. May the New Year 2025 bring you peace and many blessings. Thank you for your prayers and for your generosity in providing for those who rely on your love and support during the holiday season and in the New Year.
Father Gagne