Lenten Prayer and Sacrifice

Dear Parishioners, In a few days the season of Lent will begin with the imposition of Ashes. Ashes are a sign of repentance, and a sign that all the material things we value are destined to become dust. Lent is the time when we journey with Jesus into the desert to search for the deeper meaning of life. The devil tempts Jesus with the three material things; power, pleasure and responsibility. Jesus counters that there is more to life than bread alone, the kingdoms of the earth, and tempting God by acting irresponsibly.

Jesus shows us how to use these gifts by taking responsibility for the deeds of mercy, and healing those who are in the grip of the devil. During this Year of Evangelization we are called to do the same thing. We, like Jesus, are called to heal those who are in the grip of the devil and assume the deeds of mercy.

When the disciples of Jesus told him that they were unable to cast a demon out of a possessed person he told them that it was only through prayer and sacrifice that this could be done. I ask you to pray and sacrifice as we prepare for the journey of Lent during this Year of Evangelization.

... May God bless you abundantly with His graces.

Sincerely in Christ, Roger C. Gagne Pastor

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