2010 Year of Evangelization
The Year of Evangelization is a multi-faceted effort to reach out to our lost brothers and sisters in Christ to welcome them back to the Catholic Church, strengthen the faithful and share with others the teachings of the Catholic Faith.
In the Year of Evangelization, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin is calling Catholics to celebrate, and refocus on, the Christian duty to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Throughout Church history Catholics have invited one and all to receive the Gospel’s promise of salvation from a fallen world—from sin and death. The Year of Evangelization continues this core Christian activity. It is a call to personal evangelization —to be true witnesses of the Word of God; it is a time for the Church of Providence to re-energize the faithful; it is a time to invite home those who have wandered from the Church for whatever reason. It is a time to bring the Gospel message boldly into the public square.
2010 Year of Evangelization FAQ
What can you do at St. Peters in Warwick?
Every Parish in our diocese will be participating in this year of evangelization in a variety of ways. Even though St. Peters is an active and vibrant parish, there is always room to grow in our faith journey.
I invite you to consider being a part of this exciting effort by becoming a member of this hospitality/evangelism team. The purpose of this team will be to pray and share ideas about our Catholic faith and how we as a parish can continue to grow in hospitality and outreach.
If you are interested or would like more information call 467-4895 or email info@stpeterswarwick.com.
Roger C. Gagne