
Dear Parishioners,

As you know, the annual charity appeal provides for the needs of many people in our diocese and state. To date, our parish has raised $75,000 toward our parish goal of $83,885.

I ask those who have not yet pledged or contributed to this year’s appeal to consider making a one-time gift or pledge before June 30th. We only need to raise another $8,000 to reach our goal.

Because of the Pandemic, I know many people are struggling with their finances and I am most grateful for whatever you can do to help with this year’s appeal.

Thank you to those who have already contributed to this year’s appeal. May God, who is not outdone in his generosity, bless you abundantly for sharing your time, treasure, and talent with those who are in need.

Catholic Charity envelopes are available at the entrances of the church. Please fill them out and place them in the collection, drop off at rectory mail slot, or mail directly to: Catholic Charity Appeal, Diocese of Providence, PO Box 6605, Providence, Rhode Island 02940-6605.

You all have a special remembrance in all my prayers and ask you to pray for me and Msgr. Iacovacci.

Gratefully Yours,
Father Gagne

M. Bonneville