Altar Servers, Lectors, Adult Servers for Funerals


Dear Parishioners,

Now that we have been able to resume normal participation in the Liturgy, I am making a special appeal to anyone who would like to serve at the altar.

Any student in grades three to twelve and beyond who would like to serve Mass, or resume serving Mass, and any adult, (age 18 or older) who would like to be a lector or a sever at funerals is asked to fill out the form below and place it in the collection or place it in the mail slot at the front door of the rectory before June 30th.

These ministries are an important part of our liturgical celebrations and make it possible to resume the use of incense at funerals and at other special Masses. We have not been able to use incense during this past year. Severs set up the altar and help receive the bread and wine at Mass, ring the bells at the consecration, serve as cross-bearer and carry the incense.

Thank you for your willingness to serve at the Altar.

Father Gagne

M. Bonneville