Together Again at Pentecost
Dear Parishioners,
I am happy to announce our opening for Masses on the weekend of May 30th / 31st. The regular Mass schedule will be in place with some restrictions.
Please wear a mask for the safety of others. There will be an entrance and exit plan, signs and posters will be available to help you keep safe. Every other pew will be blocked. You will enter by front doors and exit by side doors near side altars. For communion, you will come forward respecting distancing and return by side aisles.
There will not be books in church, however, a worship aid will be in the bulletin with the hymns for each Mass. Please take a bulletin when you enter, and please take it home with you. A basket for the collection will be in the back of the church, or you can continue to mail or drop them off at the rectory mail slot.
I will put on the website a copy of the floor plan and other important information as it becomes available.
I have set the date for Confirmation for Saturday, July 11th at 11:00 AM and Saturday, July 18th at 11:00 AM. You will receive all the necessary information from Mrs. Morisseau very soon.
With public worship resuming, daily Mass will once again be celebrated Monday to Friday at 7:00 AM. Again, please follow the entrance and exit format and wear a mask.
Pentecost, the birthday of the church is a wonderful day for our rebirth and new beginning for all our parishes. I look forward to welcoming you for the celebration of Mass.
May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts and enkindle in us the fire of His divine love.
Father Gagne