Saint Peter Tri-Parish School - Retirement of Mrs. Joan Sickinger


Saint Peter Tri-Parish School – “A collaborative of St. Peter, St. Timothy, and St. Rita Parishes”

Dear Parishioners and members of our Tri-Parish School community,

After serving our school community as a teacher and a principal for forty years, Mrs. Joan Sickinger will retire at the end of this academic year. Words cannot adequately express my gratitude and the gratitude of the Tr-Parish School community for the significant contribution Mrs. Sickinger has made in the lives of countless generations of children who have attended our Tri-Parish school.

Her dedication, love and passion for providing quality Catholic Education will be her hallmark for years to come. She will be greatly missed. I join the school community in wishing her much happiness and good health for many years. She will have special remembrance in all our prayers. A special reception will be held in Mrs. Sickinger’s honor sometime in June, at a date to be announced.

At this time, I would like to announce that Mrs. Christine Desmarais, the fifth- grade teacher at St. Peter Tri-Parish School, has been hired as our new principal. Mrs. Desmarais has been a teacher at the school for twelve years. Mrs. Desmarais was recommended from various candidates, who applied for the position, by the search committee, which was made up of parishioners.

Mrs. Desmarais comes to this position with an impressive resume of educational experiences and professional achievements. I am grateful for her willingness to accept the position of principal, and truly believe she will bring a smooth transition, as we continue to build on the legacy of the past sixty- one years of Catholic Education at St. Peter Tri-Parish School. I look forward to working with her.

May God continue to bless our efforts to provide Catholic Education for the children of our Tri-Parish collaborative.

Gratefully yours,

Father Gagne

M. Bonneville