Catholic Charity Appeal 2021


Catholic Charity Appeal 2021

Dear Parishioners,

By now most of you have received a letter from Bishop Tobin and me outlining the importance of this year’s Charity Appeal.

While this year’s diocesan and parish goals have been reduced, the need to fund the church’s vital out-reach services and ministries remain. Our diocesan goal is $6,800,000- and our parish goal is $83,885.

I ask you to prayerfully consider a pledge or one-time gift, knowing that your donation will help someone in need. These needs are food, heating, rent, diapers, formula, Emmanuel House homeless shelter, health care ministry, senior care at the Martin de Porres Center, and a variety of other programs.

Envelopes for your convenience are at the entrances of the church. Simply fill them out and return them in the collection.

The effects of the pandemic remain an ongoing challenge for all of us, By sharing our time, treasure and talent with our community we continue to make a difference in the lives of many people. Let us ask Our Lady, Mother of Divine Providence, to move our hearts to be as generous as we can in this year’s appeal.

Thank you for your support during these challenging times. Please be assured of a remembrance in all my prayers, and I ask you to remember me in your prayers. May God bless you abundantly for all your good works on behalf of our parish and diocesan family.

Gratefully Yours in Christ,

Father Gagne

M. Bonneville