Warwick Knights of Columbus holding takeout Fish Dinner March 5th
Friday Baked Fish Dinner!
Friday, March 5th
The Warwick Knights of Columbus is holding a takeout Fish Dinner Next Friday. All proceeds from this event are going to our Catholic Schools Scholarship Program. We know that the Covid Pandemic has been tough, but we are trying to regroup, and reorganize this important cause. This is one of several things we are doing this year to support the Scholarship Program. Tickets or meals can be purchased for $15 per meal. We ask that meals be ordered by next Wednesday. The dinners include baked fish prepared by a former Chef of the Year in RI, potato and vegetable. They will also include instructions for reheating.
Orders can be placed at www.kofc2295.org/fish . Or can be brought to the Knights of Columbus at 475 Sandy Lane by Wednesday.