Christmas, 2011


Dear Parishioners,

On this Holy Night and Day, I want to express my thanks and appreciation for the way in which you have made Christ present to so many people during the season of Advent, and throughout the past year. Because of your prayers, and generous sharing of your time, treasure and talent, the lonely and the poor have experienced the warmth and love of God. Because of you, people were able to receive food, heat, rental assistance, medical supplies, basic necessities, clothes, toys, and tuition assistance.

Your warm hospitality to visitors, new members of our faith community, and those with special needs, demonstrates your faith in a loving and caring God. Families with children on the Autism spectrum have a place where they feel welcomed, and where their children are able to receive the sacraments without the fear of being rejected. Your annual support for those afflicted with Aids has been a source of blessing for those who have no one to care for them.

Because of you, our parish has become the manger where Christ is born, not just at Christmas, but every day. May God bless you with His love and peace at this time of the year and in the coming New Year.

On behalf of Msgr. Iacovacci and myself, please know that you will have a special remembrance in all our prayers and Christmas Masses. A blessed and holy Christmas to all of you.

–Fr. Gagné

M. Bonneville