–Fr. Gagné's Easter Message 2022


Dear Parishioners,

The image of Mary weeping in the garden is the focal point for this year’s Easter reflection. Mary’s weeping represents humanity's tears for the suffering and death of the people of Ukraine, the victims of the pandemic, the silent screams of the unborn, and those who suffer so unjustly the sins against the dignity of the human person. Like Mary, overwhelmed with her grief at the apparent loss of her beloved Lord, we too, are unable to recognize the presence of Jesus standing before us.

The darkness that now threatens our very existence must give way to the light of God’s power, and the power of Christ’s resurrection. “Darkness vanishes forever, Christ has conquered, sound the trumpet of salvation, let this place resound with joy.” These words are proclaimed in the Exultet, at the Easter Vigil, and provide the basis for our faith. God has a plan that the world will be saved by love, and his plan will be fulfilled. No tomb can contain Jesus, and no power can prevail against his love, which is God’s love.

The evil of war that has been unleashed on the people of Ukraine and the fear that we all feel must not prevent us from standing in truth and in integrity, as Jesus did when he stood before Pilate. Doing this does not come from being heroic, but by believing in the way of God.

Easter is not a day or an event or a moment in time. It is who we are, it is a way of existing, and defines who we are as Christians. In the end, Jesus triumphs over death and Satan’s pride.

We may have to suffer hardships, as people have for centuries, but in the words of St. Paul, “Death is swallowed up in victory. Where, O death is your victory? Where O death is your sting?” Despite our tears, we will hear Jesus speak our name as he did in the garden, and like Mary, and the disciples on Mt. Tabor, we will look up and see only Jesus. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, our hearts will burn within us, and we like them, will recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread.

May we like Jesus, continue to rise from our falls, from our mistakes, from our fears, from all that estranges us from one another. Like Jesus may we keep rising to love, compassion, and forgiveness.

A blessed Easter Day and season to you and your families. You have a special remembrance in all my prayers. Please continue to remember me in your prayers.

–Fr. Gagné

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