Pope Francis Chooses ‘Synodality’ as theme for 2022 Synod
Pope Francis at a Synod of Bishops. Image: Vatican Media/Vatican News
Dear Parishioners,
As we continue to prepare for the 150th Anniversary of our diocese which will be celebrated in June of 2022, the Holy Father has asked us to begin preparation for the next world synod of Bishops at the Vatican, which will take place in October 2022.
This synod will involve not only the various bishops of the world but will involve gathering the responses of people within the church and outside of the church. This process will take place in a variety of ways in every diocese throughout the Catholic World.
The theme of this upcoming synod will be: “For a synodal church: Communion, participation and mission.” “Synodality,” which literally means “walking together,” has become the key topic of Pope Francis’ pontificate.
The basic idea in the pope’s teaching is that the grace of baptism makes one part of the body of the church, and therefore, responsible for its life and mission. In a hierarchical church, that shared responsibility calls for regular, serious and structural forums for listening to all members of the church. At the same time, as the pope has said, it does not mean putting decisions to a vote as if a synod were a parliament.
Synodality, which has been present in Christianity since its very beginning, is not simply involving people in decision making but involving all the baptized in discerning God’s will and listening to the Holy Spirit. The goal is always to find the best ways for every baptized person to fulfill the church’s mission of proclaiming God’s love and salvation in Jesus Christ to the world.
The pope’s commission wrote: “A synodal church is a church of participation and co-responsibility. In exercising synodality she is called to give expression to the participation of all, according to each one’s calling, with the authority conferred by Christ on the College of Bishops headed by the pope. Participation is based on the fact that all the faithful are qualified and called to serve each other through the gifts they have received from the Holy Spirit.” It also said, “the authority of pastors is a specific gift of the Spirit of Christ the head for the upbuilding of the entire body, not a delegated representative function of people.” During the next few months, the diocese will be providing more information regarding our participation in this upcoming synod.
I would ask you to pray for Our Holy Father as he leads the church during this time of grace and renewal. May God who has begun this work in us bring it to completion. You all have a special remembrance in all my prayers, and please pray for me.
Sincerely Yours,
Father Gagne