Senior Priest Retirement Fund Annual Collection - Sept. 17-18, 2011

"Our generosity answers a great challenge for those who have served the faithful for a lifetime—and says thanks. This annual effort is of significant support for our retired priests. With a thoughtful, generous contribution we can help the Senior Priest Retirement Fund meet its obligations to those who depend on it for today and tomorrow. It’s also our way of thanking them for their many years of faithful service.

Please consider a generous gift to the Sr. Priest Retirement Fund Second Collection at Masses throughout the diocese on September 17 and 18, 2011.  Thank you for your support!"

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Visit for an interview with our own Msgr. Iacovacci, as he shares a day in the life of his "retirement". 

Thank you Msgr. Iacovacci for all you do at St. Peter Parish!!


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