Catholic Charity Appeal
Dear Parishioners,
The annual Catholic Charity Appeal will begin on the second weekend of Lent; March 19/20. The theme of this year’s appeal is “Live with Faith, Give with Heart.” The Catholic Charity Fund Appeal is the main source of support for those diocesan agencies that provide for the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of Rhode Islanders. The goal of these agencies is to teach God’s truth by loving our neighbor and serving others with a grateful heart.
This year’s diocesan Charity Fund goal is $7,800,000. Our parish goal this year is $104,000.
This year our parish has signed up for parish sharing. This means that every dollar collected over our parish goal will be returned to the parish. The money returned will be used for our school.
An in pew drive will take place on the weekends of March 19/20, and 26/27. The general mailing for the parish will go out in the first week of April to those who did not give or pledge on these two weekends. You will also receive mailings from Bishop Tobin.
During these difficult economic times the church must do all it can to give support and assistance to those who are in need. I know you will be as generous as your means will allow. Be assured of my prayers and appreciation for all you do, and please ask Our Lady, Mother of Divine Providence, to bless our efforts.
Sincerely yours,
Rev. Roger C. Gagne