Advisory Board and Finance Council Update

Dear Parishioners,

During the past year our parish advisory board and finance council have been discussing the need for additional space for a variety of school and parish functions. This additional space was part of the 2005 capital campaign case statement to build an all purpose utility building.

Because the campaign fell short of its goal of a million and a half dollars, we were not able to proceed with this project. We were, however, able to complete the other projects that were outlined in the original case statement. The installation of a fire alarm system for the upper and lower church, and the building of the parish hall are the two remaining projects.

At present we have over $318,000 of capital campaign funds in special interest bearing accounts. We expect to receive another $29,000, in capital campaign funds, from those who are still paying on their pledges. These funds will be used for the fire alarm system and for the construction of the new hall.

Once the capital campaign pledges have been redeemed plans will be drawn up for the new hall. The funding will come from capital campaign fund reserves and new capital campaign.

Before work is begun on the hall, you will receive information on what the project will entail, and what it will cost. Parishioners will be asked to express their opinions about the project, and the feasibility of conducting another capital campaign.

Thank you for your generosity and continued support. Please be assured of a daily remembrance in all my prayers and Masses.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Rev. Roger C. Gagne

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