Saint Peter’s School - Opening September 14th
“A Collaboration of Saint Peter and Timothy Parishes”
Dear Parishioners of St. Peter and St. Timothy Parishes,
After many weeks of preparation, St. Peter School will open on Monday, September 14th. Our new principal, Mrs. Desmarais and our teachers have worked very diligently all summer to provide for the safety and education of our children. Thanks to the expertise of Bill Young and Jim Desmarais, our school has a restored ventilation system that will keep air moving throughout the school.
I am hoping and praying that our children’s return to school will be a positive experience for all concerned. Presently there is a waiting list, due to the number of students that we can safely take in according to the present established guidelines of social distancing.
Ordinarily, school would open with Mass on the first day. However, that will not be possible this year, because of the limited number our church can hold. Because of this I have designated the weekend of September 12th and 13th as our opening weekend. Each mass offered on this weekend will have the St. Peter School Community included in the prayer of the faithful.
I ask the parishioners of St. Peter and St. Timothy Parish to pray for our school community, that God will bless our efforts to provide Catholic Education in a safe and caring environment. Let us continue to pray for a vaccine for covid-19 and an end to this pandemic.
We all look forward to the day when can welcome everyone back to church and school without fear or anxiety. Please keep our staff, faculty, students and families in your prayers.
I express my thanks and prayers for your continued support for Catholic Education during these challenging times. May God complete the good work he has begun in us.
Sincerely Yours,
Father Gagne