Dear Parishioners,
Because of the pandemic, the number of altar servers has diminished. It has become difficult to provide at least one server for every weekend Mass.
If you are serving as a Eucharistic Minister at a particular Mass, you are welcome to serve…Cross Bearer, incense when used….and bring up the water and wine…etc.
I am also asking any adult who would like to serve at the Mass they attend to feel welcome to serve. There can be at least two servers at every Mass.
At the present, I have no servers scheduled for the 8:00 AM Mass on Sundays.
Serving at the altar is an important ministry, and I encourage you to consider being a server.
I will be recruiting new servers from our school in the fall. Hopefully, we will have servers available for all our Masses in the near future.
Thank you, and may God bless our efforts to offer him fitting worship. If you have any questions, please call me at 467-4895.
Father Gagne