2020 Catholic Charity Appeal
Dear Parishioners,
Due to the closing of our churches prior to our annual in-pew appeal for Catholic Charities because of the covid-19 pandemic, we have rescheduled the in-pew part of this year’s appeal to the weekend of September 12/13.
Envelopes will be placed in your pews, and you will be asked to fill them out if you have not already made your contribution to this year’s appeal.
After you fill out your envelope you can drop it in the baskets that will be at each side door in the front of the church as you exit. You may also take the envelope home and bring it with you on the following weekend. You can drop it in the basket at the entrance with your budgets.
Your support is needed in order to maintain the services that the Catholic Charity Appeal funds each year. Due to the drop in this year’s contributions, many cutbacks had to be made in personnel and services.
It is my prayer that with your help we can reach our goal and continue helping those people who rely on our generosity for assistance in a variety of ways.
I know you will do what you can to help Catholic Charities meet their obligations for this year’s appeal.
May God bless our efforts to provide for the needs of others. Be assured of a constant remembrance in all my prayers.
Gratefully Yours,
Father Gagne