Dear Parishioners,
The time has come to reflect on our present Mass schedule. Without the help of Msgr. Iacovacci, who for the past twenty-three years has been a source of spiritual and ministerial support for our parish, it is becoming clearer that changes in our present Mass schedule need to be considered.
During the past several months I have been fortunate to receive help with our weekend Masses and with funerals from a few priests willing to help with these Masses. I am most grateful for their help.
My staff reminds me that I am not getting any younger, and that I do need to take some vacation time and days off, which has not happened in almost two years.
I am most grateful to my parish and school staff, and many others, who have been a great support during these challenging times. They continue to be a blessing for me going forward.
No changes will be made in our present Mass schedule until January of 2022. As you know the pandemic is not over, and there are still many people who have not yet returned to Mass. The question is, do we really need three Masses on Sunday? The answer is yes if the numbers attending Mass keep growing, and no if they remain as they are now.
I ask that you pray for me and for our parish and school community, that together we will be able to keep serving the pastoral needs of this community of faith. As you know, Jesus is the real pastor of our parish and school. I believe he will not leave wanting and will continue to provide for all our needs. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Sincerely in Christ,
Father Gagne