Welcome Home


Dear Parishioners,

I extend a warm welcome to those who will be joining us for Mass for the first time in over a year. The only restriction is the wearing of masks for those who have not been fully vaccinated.

This weekend’s celebration of The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, celebrates our identity as members of Christ’s body the church. Through our weekly reception of the Holy Eucharist we grow in love for God and for each other.

By receiving Christ’s body and blood at holy mass we are nourished not only by the God’s word, but by the true and living bread which comes down from heaven, and which gives life to the world.

When we come together as a worshiping community, we share our faith with our sisters and brothers and accept our call to discipleship.

I know that returning to some sense of normalcy will take time for all of us. The hurt, the pain, the fear, the frustration, the anger, the loneliness, the isolation, and the grief of losing so many loved during this past year, will take time, We all need to be sensitive and patient with ourselves and others going forward.

May God bless our efforts to provide for the needs of our school and parish communities. Let us pray for each other as once again we gather at the altar for the celebration of Holy Mass.

Thank you for your prayers and support during this past year and for all your many good works and sacrifices.

I hope and pray for a restful and enjoyable summer for you and your families. You always have a special remembrance in all my prayers.

Father Gagne

M. Bonneville