Ordinary Time

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The dictionary defines the word ordinary as something that is customary, usual or familiar. What is familiar or common to Christians is the weekly celebration of the paschal mystery. This mystery recalls the life, death and most importantly the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The first day of the week becomes for the believer a day of play and worship. Through play and worship Sunday is in itself a sacrament of the redeemed.

Our observance of Sunday proclaims to the world that we are a people, who have been redeemed in time, not only for the moment, but also for all eternity. When we gather for weekly Eucharist, we bring with us the events of the past week. These events become the beginning of the week to come.

Like all sacraments, Sunday is simultaneously a point of arrival and departure for Christians on their way to the fullness of the kingdom.

Although we call this time of year Ordinary Time, it is anything but ordinary because it is the fabric of daily living. It is the familiar, common, and ordinary way we live our lives.

This present stretch of Ordinary time will last until the last week of November. During these days of ordinary time, may we enjoy our familiar and common life in Christ. A life that brings us hope and forgiveness, and proclaims to others, that we are a redeemed people.

May the common ordinary life of being a Christian sustain us, as we gather each week for the celebration of Holy Mass. May it be our point of arrival and departure. May the season of summer, and the fullness of fall, in all its glory, be a time of renewal, and spiritual awakening for the members of our parish family.

Let us pray for each other when we feel hurt or abandoned by our church, that like Veronica we will not be afraid to wipe the face of Jesus in the people we encounter. The church, after all, is the body of Jesus that continues to suffer, and stands in need of our love, and the redemption that Jesus brought about by his death and resurrection. When we are tempted to run away, let us stay close to Jesus, who calms the waters and the wind. He will never abandon us.

– Father Gagne

M. Bonneville