First Holy Communion


Dear Parents and First Communion Candidates,

After much thought and prayer, the decision has been made to postpone the reception for First Holy Communion for this year’s communion class to sometime in October of this year.

This will allow us to plan the important workshop that was missed because of covid-19. It will also free our parents not to have to worry about this over the summer months. With Masses resuming on Pentecost Sunday, we will have enough to deal with regarding the logistics of returning to publish worship.

You will be sent all the needed information at the end of August. You will have the choice in the fall to choose how you want your child to receive their First Communion. Usually this takes place with a special Mass on Saturday at 12:00 Noon, or at an 11:00 AM Sunday Mass.

Hopefully by the fall there will be less restrictions, and things will be returning to some degree normalcy. Nevertheless, we will abide by whatever restrictions might still be in place.

Let us continue to pray for each other and for a peaceful and enjoyable summer for all our parish family.

Thank you for your understanding and support. If you have any questions, please call Margaret Andreozzi at 461-5691.

Sincerely Yours,
Father Gagne

M. Bonneville