The Future


Dear Parishioners,

        In answer to all those who keeping asking about when we will open for public Masses, funerals, First Communions, Confirmation, and baptisms, our school graduation; I simply do not know. I am confident that those in authority are discussing how we can open while keeping people safe from covid-19. Our Faith Formation and Tri-Parish School staff along with myself have been discussing possible options.

       You will be receiving information about when and how we will celebrate First Communions and Confirmation, along with baptisms when we have more information. I ask for your patience and understanding. Enough time will be provided for our candidates and their families to plan accordingly.

        I would imagine that in all our ceremonies there will be some social distancing, how many will be allowed to participate, and use of masks. 

        If you hear any rumors or stories regarding the above, please call the parish office for clarification and the facts.

         I would ask parents of this year’s First Communion class to review with your children how to receive communion in the hand, as social distancing requirements might make it impossible for any rehearsals etc. The children will receive their First Communion during a regular parish Mass of your choosing.

       As always, things are subject to change, but I did want to reach out to you and let you know we share your concerns. May God continue to bless our efforts on behalf of our parish family, especially our First Communion and Confirmation Candidates.


                                                                        Sincerely Yours,
Father Gagné







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