"Peace Be With You, Do Not Be Afraid"



Dear Parishioners,

         I want to express my thanks to all who have reached out to Msgr. and myself during the past few days. Your concern and assurance of prayers was very much appreciated. Please know we are remembering you in all our Masses and prayers.

        I also want to remind you that we will be providing Sunday Mass on our parish website until we open again for public worship. Palm will be blessed on Saturday, April 4th, and will be available on tables in the church for pick up from 4:00 to 5:00PM, and on Palm Sunday, April 5th from 9:00 AM until 12:00 noon. Confessions will be heard on Saturday, April 4th from 4:00 – 4:30 PM.

       The liturgy of the Blessing of the Palm and Palm Sunday Mass will be available on the website on Saturday, April 4th, and may be viewed through out the weekend. Mass will be offered privately by Father Gagne and Msgr. Iacovacci for your intentions.

       I will let you know what will be happening during Holy Week in my next letter to you, which will be during the week of March 27th.

       I miss seeing you and celebrating with you. I pray that we will be together before too long. The grace of this moment will help us deepen our appreciation for Mass and the freedom to worship whenever we want.

       The celebrations of First Communion and Confirmation are presently on hold until further notice. We will celebrate these sacraments at some point in the future.Parents and candidates will be notified and provided with times and dates for these Celebrations.

       Our parish and school staff are working very hard to keep things running for our students and families, as well as any other needs that you might have during this time.

       The new roof on the administration building is finished and paid for as of this morning. I was also informed, after an inspection this week, that we need a new roof for the school, and that needs to be done this summer. The cost will be significantly more that the administration building roof.

        The bank deposit for the church was $4,192 and was due to those people who dropped off their budgets in the rectory mail slot...thank you so much. Tuition continues to come in and for that I am most grateful. I know everyone will do what they can during this difficult time. Please keep dropping off your budgets in order that we can continue to meet our everyday expenses.

          Finally, I ask for your prayers. I am doing my best to provide for the needs of our large parish and school. I am here for you. There are so many different levels of stress and concerns that we are all facing. It helps to have someone to talk to. It is also important to know that we are all together in prayer. Take time to pray with your families, pray the rosary, read the Mass readings that can be found online, join us for Mass on the website, and visit the church for prayer with Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament.

          The bells continue to ring three times a day. They remind us that the word became flesh and lived among us. Tomorrow is the Solemnity of the Annunciation, March 25th. He is still with us in these difficult times. Pray constantly, and never lose hope. Hope is a good thing, and never disappoints us.

          St. Michael The Archangel, defend us in battle, from the malicious enemy defend us, passion of Christ, strengthen me, cast into hell Satan, and all the other evil spirits who prowl around the world seeking the ruin of souls. Let us resist him steadfast in the faith. Amen

          Remember to ask Our Lady to help us in this time of distress by praying the Memorare.

          Thank you again and may God Bless you abundantly.    

 Father Gagne












M. Bonneville