Challenging Times of Faith



Dear Parishioners,

I write from the quiet of our church and community, as we continue to live with the daily challenges of the coronavirus. I want you to know that Msgr. and I are celebrating daily Mass for all of you. Although we can not be together physically for the Liturgy, we are united in prayer and in our common faith.

The directives from Bishop Tobin, regarding the present health crisis, I have included on our parish web site.

I believe we need to see in this present challenge to our way of life an opportunity to deepen our faith in the presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, which, sorry to say, we sometimes take for granted. Perhaps, during this journey through the dessert many people will be brought back to a greater appreciation for the gift to worship God as we choose.

The church will be open as usual. Confession will continue to be available on Saturdays from 4:00 PM until 4:30 PM. If public worship is cancelled for Palm Sunday, I will bless Palm early Sunday morning and it will be available at church for you to pick up throughout the morning until 12:00 noon, at which time the church will be locked. On Holy Thursday, the church will be open at the repository for personal prayer from 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM. I will keep you informed through our website as the situation warrants.

As the financial demands of our school and parish continue, I would ask you make up your budgets by dropping them off in the mail slot at the rectory front door, 350 Fair Street, along with your tuition payments.

Let us continue to pray for the sick, those who are anxious, and those who are caring for the sick, and all who are leading us through these difficult days. May the grace of God be with you, and may God continue to bless our efforts to provide for the physical and spiritual needs of those entrusted to our care.

Thank you for your prayers, support, understanding, and may God guide and protect us and deliver us from the ravages of disease that is currently afflicting the human family. Our Lady, Refuge of the sick, pray for us.

– Father Gagné

M. Bonneville