Altar Serving Schedules
Dear Altar Servers,
Enclosed in the PDF Attachments you will find the Altar Server Schedule for February, March, April and May. Please note the special dates of Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Confirmation, First Communions, and the Holy Day: Ascension Thursday.
I hope to begin a new class for Altar Servers soon. Some time in late May or June, the new servers will be put on the Altar as a third server. With your help and example they will learn to feel comfortable at the altar, and eventually be able to serve on their own.
I try to give all the servers opportunities to serve on a regular basis. Please let me know of changes of address, phone numbers, and particular times that you are not available for serving.
Thank you for your willingness to serve at the altar. Your ministry is very important, and an essential part of our parish's Liturgical life and prayer.
Call me at 467-4895 if you have any questions or concerns.
Sincerely Yours,
Fr. Gagne