Grateful for God's Providence
Dear Parishioners,
I want to thank those who have already made a pledge, or donation to the “Grateful for God’s Providence,” capital campaign. To those who have not yet decided to contribute to this campaign, I would ask you consider the following questions:
1. Do you want to provide for the future needs of our retired priests, who have spent their lives serving you and the people of our diocese and state?
2. Do you want to provide for the educational needs for those who are currently studying and preparing for the priesthood?
3. Do you want to make an investment in the future of Catholic Education, in our parish and diocese?
4. Do you want to provide for the needs of those who look to the church for help with the cost of heat, shelter, food, medical, and other personal needs?
5. Do you want to honor Sister Mary Angelus, R.S.M., by establishing an endowment to provide tuition assistance for future generations of our children?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions then you know what you need to do. Please consider a pledge that can be paid over a period of three years. Remember, its not about the bishop, or me, its about investing in your future.
May God bless you for whatever you decide to do, and be assured of my thanks and a remembrance in all my prayers.
Gratefully Yours in Christ,
Fr. Gagné