2022 Catholic Charity Appeal
Dear Parishioners,
The Annual Charity Appeal has begun throughout our diocese. Letters and pledge cards have been sent to all parishioners.
As a member of the diocesan finance council, I know firsthand the impact that this annual appeal makes in the lives of so many people, especially during this time of the pandemic. Our brothers and sisters rely on our generosity for their needs.
This year’s parish goal is $83,885.00. I know that with everyone’s support, our parish will make our goal. Through the intercession of Our Lady, Mother of Divine Providence, and under her guidance, I pray she will move our hearts to make our sacrificial gift or pledge to this year’s appeal.
Please fill out your card when you receive it and return it in the mail or drop it in the basket on the weekend. I humbly ask you to increase your gift or pledge for this year’s appeal. Please consider making a pledge.
There will be an in-pew drive on February 26th and 27th. Envelopes will be available along with pencils in the pews for your convenience. This will be done before the beginning of each Mass. The envelopes will then be collected.
Please be assured of my prayers and my thanks for your anticipated support for this year’s Charity Appeal. May God bless you a hundredfold for sharing your treasure with those who are in need.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Father Gagne