Pre-Thanksgiving Food Drive & Thanksgiving Preparation


Helping Hands Ministry Pre-Thanksgiving Food Drive

The St. Peter’s food pantry shelves are getting low on a lot of items. With the upcoming Holiday Season we are requesting assistance in stocking non-perishable items to fill basket requests.

Select from the following suggestions for specific items to donate. Of course, Any food donation is welcomed!

Boxed stuffing and canned gravy
Mashed potatoes boxes
Canned cranberries or sweet potatoes
Pie crust mix boxes along with canned pie filling
Canned fruits and vegetables
Chicken or beef soup or broth
Canned meats and canned fish
Peanut butter and jelly

Helping Hands Ministry Thanksgiving Preparation

The Helping Hands Ministry is preparing for the Thanksgiving Holiday Food Baskets. We will NOT BE REQUESTING OR RECEIVING any frozen turkeys for the holiday baskets. Due to Covid 19 virus this year, we are requesting gift cards from Stop & Shop, Dave’s and Shaws to fulfill this need. Food donations will be used to help stock the baskets along with our food pantry. The baskets for the food donations can be found at the front exits of the church. Gift cards can be dropped in the collection basket at masses or in the parish office. Call the ministry phone line at 461.3157 for assistance. All donations need to be in by Friday, November 19th. Thank you for your continued generosity in providing assistance to those in need.

St. Peter's Admin