Thanksgiving 2021


Dear Parishioners,

In a few days, we will celebrate the day when we traditionally give thanks for the blessings we have received during the past year. We gather with family and friends to enjoy these blessings.

I want to express my thanks to all of you for your prayers and support during this past year. Your generous support of your time, treasure, and talent for our church, school, and community continues to make a positive difference in the lives of so many.

Being your pastor during these challenging times has been a real blessing for me. The gift of priesthood, which allows me to celebrate Mass and the sacraments with this community of faith, is a special reason for me to give thanks. Through these celebrations we continue to share our sorrows, joys, and hopes. The world has great need of our witness to our faith and the proclaiming of the good news of the gospel.

For those who speculate on when I am going to retire, I can only tell you that I have no plans to retire any time soon. I entrust the future into God’s hands, praying that he will allow me to have the health and desire to continue serving as your priest.

You will have a special remembrance at Mass on Thanksgiving Day. May God continue to bless you with every good gift, and fill your hearts with thanksgiving, as together we make a return to the Lord for what he has done for us this past year. Happy Thanksgiving.

Father Gagne

St. Peter's Admin